SPORTCAMP organized and hosted for the 7th consecutive year the much awaited tournaments, 2018 Loutraki Easter Soccer Cup & 2018 Loutraki Easter Basketball Cup .
From April 1st till April 3rd, 2018, more than 1200 athletes from 6 different countries participated in the tournaments. 3 days of sports, multicultural interaction, creative play and fun in a festive atmosphere that spread across SPORTCAMP's facilities to the entire city of Loutraki.
All teams performed to their maximum of their skills and showcased an excellent level of conduct on and off the soccer fields and basketball courts. The absolute highlight of the tournaments was the undoubtly the positive spirit between kids from all countries which was translated into friendship building and creative interaction between them. The existence of sports across all continents prove that there is a universal element in it that appeals to the entirety of the human race irrespective of cultural differences.
Both tournaments were implemented under the auspices of significant third parties that supported them and cooperated closely with SPORTCAMP's Sports Department and contributed to the excellent final outcome. Loutraki Easter Soccer Cup was supported by the Union of Korinthia Soccer Clubs while Basketball Cup was supported by TNBA Greece.
Both events culminated with the Closing Ceremony and the Awards Granting, which was held on 03/04 and was an open celebration for all kids of both sports, their coaches and escorts, our staff and the hundreds of viewers that attended. On the spotlight of the Closing Ceremony, the magnificent show of the cheerleaders from the school of Turkey that participated in the tournaments.