The World Conference of CCIVS (Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service) takes place at SPORTCAMP!
From November 20 to 25, the General Assembly and the Open Conference of the CCIVS are held in Loutraki.
The CCIVS brings together volunteer organizations and a network of non-profit organizations from 80 countries operating on all continents (www.ccivs.org). Every two years, a General Assembly is organized with representatives from around the world. Within the framework of this global meeting, an Open Conference is also held, addressing a topic of interest to network members and connecting to trends and developments in the broader field of volunteering.
This year, Greece is the host country, and the Greek branch of SCI - Service Civil International (https://www.sci.gr) is the organizing entity. The General Assembly, Open Conference, and all other processes of this significant meeting, which also celebrates the 75 years since the establishment of the CCIVS Global Network, are hosted at the Sportcamp facilities.
People from around the world, from Nepal and India to Japan and Indonesia, Hong Kong and Macao, Sri Lanka and the Philippines, Mozambique, Kenya, Zimbabwe, and Nigeria, South Africa and Argentina, from all over Europe and Palestine, gather in Loutraki to promote and plan the volunteer actions of the organizations they represent.
Education, health, human rights, environment, and above all PEACE are just a few of the areas in which they are active, offering their services altruistically where needed.