Powerman Greece 2019,the biggest run-bike-run event that has ever been hosted in Greece, was completed with a great success. For first time in Loutraki, almost 300 participants from 30 different countries, tried their strengths in a challenging multisport run and bike course.
For Elite Women, the Swiss Melanie Maurer was the great winner with a total time of 3:00:00, confirming the title of the favourite. Second place was the Greek Deniz Dimaki with a total time of 3:11:52 leaving the 3rd place for Kristina Nec-Lapinova from Hungury with a total time of 3:14:03. Noora Honkala from Finland not only stood out from the age-groups, but also finished 2nd in the overall ranking.
As for Elite Men, Seppe Odeyn from Belgium was the first to cross the finishline with a total time of 2:39:23, leaving Michelle Paone from Lichtenstein in the second place with a total time of 2:39:55 and the French Thibaut Le Cras in the 3rd place with 2:40:50. The 2018 world champion, Gael Le Bellec from France, was unlucky as he was forced to stop the race during the first run due to injury.